Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sci-Fi Debate!!!!!(2/16/12)

My argument: It's MURDER!!!!! Since when is "retiring" a life form ok? It's never fucking ok to kill Replicants! Maybe the phrase "They're only human" doesn't apply to this situation, but that does not give the people of 2019 the right to kill these new types of beings... EVER! People need to take a good look at their own creations and know when their just turning off a machine or unjustifiably killing a being.

Now for all those who of you who've never seen Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner," or just need a brush up on what's happened, I suggest that you take a look at the link posted. The movie trailer only takes a few minutes, so don't be a lazy ass and just take a look at it. Keep in mind that there are also some events that will be discussed that have a crucial role in my post, so SPOILER ALERT!!! Don't read ahead if you don't want to know about some of the events that unfold.
In this world, it is noted that Replicants were created to be just like humans. Yes, a bit stronger, faster, but ultimately organic, no machinery is used inside of them. They are not cyborgs but nor are they human. I don't know what the fuck you'd call them, I guess "Replicant" is their own breed. Anyways, people of 2019 feel it's perfect dandy to go shooting Replicants and they don't even have the balls to call it murder; they call it "retiring." It's the biggest load of crap I've heard. I know they aren't born like humans are, BUT THEY ARE NOT HUMANS!!! You do not need to be human to sustain life and a soul! We don't go around shooting our neighbor's cat (regardless of how annoying it is) because it's unjustified. Who gave anyone the right to end another being? A way to compare the Replicants existence would be to look at the life of Frankenstein. He's a freak of nature, built from the dead parts of humans and machinery, but he still contains a soul and entity of life. The people fear their own creations, and they feel that fear gives them justification to kill, yes I said "KILL" not "RETIRE." If Frankenstein were standing in front of me right now, I'd be cowering in fear like a nomophobic* would be if their cell phone battery died. But I'm not going to go ahead and kill him for being too damn scary, that just be wrong and stupid. Who knows, Frank could be a really chill dude. 
 My point is, don't go around killing the things you've created. One day people will create a life form similar to those of Replicants, and it needs to be considered a possibility that they contain a soul. If this is ever the case, just know that ending their being is NOT retiring, but murder.

*Nomophobia according to means: an exaggerated, inexplicable, and illogical fear being without a mobile device, power source, or service area.

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