Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Movie Evaluation!!
Star Wars VI Return of the Jedi

In the year 1983 an amazing movie was released to the public. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi is an action packed and suspense-filled conclusion to George Lucas' Star Wars series. This movie are the epitome of a classic science fiction film. While evaluating this film I watched for complexity in both the main storyline as well as side stories, character development and depth, quality and use of special effects, fluidity and creativity in battle scenes, emotional appeal to the audience, and finally acting skills.  These are characteristics I feel add up to create a good film. Because it is the sixth movie in this series, I felt it's connection to the previous story was essential and was a well executed conclusion. The story lines were complex, but simple enough for anyone to follow. True fans will pick up on more complex stories such of that of "The Chosen One." The prophecy was not necessary to know to enjoy this film, but adds to connections of characters throughout the series. It's well-told plot also includes a "what if" factor leaving different aspects open to debate: such as "what if Leia were to become a Jedi?" This final movie also has a sort of symmetry in Luke and Vadar's life. These details help create great complexity that was very well thought out by the producers. Characters in this movie had a great sense of variety and personalities. I feel most of the character development is in Luke because we see his conflict with becoming a Jedi, his acquired knowledge of his family, as well as his struggle with the dark side of the force. Special effects were good, not top notch, but good. I understand that this film was created in 1983, but there are certain scenes where characters look ridiculous and others that look amazing. I enjoy the special effects and only carry a few complaints such as Han Solo being released from Carbonate. His skin and the red glow didn't line up and it didn't even look remotely real. Overall, I liked the special affects. Gun shots were great, space ships looked amazing, and special effect makeups looked flawless as well as fantastic costume designs (including Leia's slave girl costume for all my male viewers). The battle scenes were amazing. Throughout the movie there were a variety of battles including light saber, battle ship, beast fights,  primitive warfare (extremely effective on Endor), stealth, and speeder battles. Then with overlapping battles, a sense of suspense is created and by then, adrenaline is running through your body! Acting only had a few flaws but was very believable. The sense of emotional connection was great too. We liked seeing Han and Leia together. The overall relationships and bonds that formed really made me have emotional responses to the movie.

Complexity of Story:              10
Character development:        
Special effects:                       8.5
Battle Scenes:                         10
Emotional Appeal:                  9
Acting:                                     9

Total :                             55.5/ 60

On The Awesomeness Meter: Yoda Status!!! (This means the movie is extremely awesome and needs to be viewed immediately and I recommend it for all viewers).   

1 comment:

  1. Peer Review- By Chris Horwitz

    1. "I felt its connection to the previous story was essential and was a well executed conclusion"
    - You could use this as more of your focus of the review and talk about how the aspects led to a well executed conclusion. I believe this will fill the requirement for the need of a focus that our reviews need to have.

    2. A. Introduction to film
    B. Aspects used to judge movie (list)
    C. Focus/ thesis
    D. Storyline review
    E. "The chosen one"
    F. Character review
    G. Special Effects Analysis
    H. Action analysis
    I. Emotions
    K. Awesomeness meter

    3.Throughout your paragraph, you have no weak or skimpy sentences. However, you do only have one giant block paragraph. Think about splitting that up into more paragraphs, each flowing into the next. Or even using a picture to make the visual layout of the paragraph more appealing.

    4. You do not have a main point, but more you analyze different aspects of the movie.

    5. I believe you did a good job with the review. Your analysis makes me as a reader want to watch it, which is very good. The only things i would recommend would be to develop a focus for the essay, and to break up the block paragraph. Other than that, this was an interesting and effective review!
