Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Avatar Confusion!
A look a James Cameron's "Avatar"
Scenes Like this one are visually appealing with a definite "awe" factor.

 Avatar is a series of complex story created by James Cameron in 2010. It's interconnected story lines take you through the magical world of Pandora. With awe inspiring special effects and countless thought out details, this film captured the hearts of people all over the world. The new conceptual ideas are the main focus of this movie, and Avatar takes its audience into this story to gain an understanding of other cultures (even if they are not from this world).

We are introduced to the NavI people who populate Pandora, they are blue, agile, and taller than the human species. The Avatar program is when scientists create a Navi body designed to be a genetic match to that of a human. The scientist then have a "linking process" in which a human conscious can control a Navi body. Jake Sully is an ex-marine who's twin brother was in the Avatar program. Only one avatar body can fit one person's genetic code, so when Jake's twin dies, Jake is hired to fill take his position to control his own Avatar. From there we are taken along the journey of cultural clash, the mistreatment of outcasts, as well as  a battle between scientists and business men out in search of money.

The first thing that I noticed and continually was amazed by was the special effects. The creature designs, music, plant life, and even machinery never stopped filling me with awe. James Cameron invented a world of vivid color and new concepts such as the "Halleluiah Mountains" which float in midair! The entire planet looked creative and realistic.


 As much as I liked the culture Cameron created and the entire atmosphere Pandora is, I found some parts to be too cliche or corny. For exapmle, the scientists who constantly are battleing the big corporate boss in search for "Unobtainium" (corny name!!!!) Of course the corporate man just wants money, the scientists just want knowledge, and the military just want to blow shit up (with the exception of Trudy). I'm confused that such a rich and creative culture of the Navi can be wonderfully created (Like the tendrils that come out of Navi hair the connect with the world) and yet there are such careless cliches with some of the main plot. I do enjoy greatly how characters were developed though. It was designed to make you have a lasting connections with Jake, the scientists, and the Navi, while pit you against the corporate jerks and the majority of military fighters (again with the exception of Trudy). 

 Special effects                    10
Character connection           10
Plot originality                       6
Planet and creature
creativity                              10
Conceptual ideas                   7

Total:                           43/ 50               

Awesomeness Meter:   Thanator Status!!! (This panther-like creature was visually stunning with many thought out details and snagged your attention with its thrill, but was still only a creature; it had potential for so much more. I recommend this movie as a definite watch, but maybe just once.)

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